Rene Descartes it seems wanted to create universal concepts about the nature of existence however he must have had difficulty at times because he created the suggestion of an “evil spirit”. Descartes says “…not that there is a supremely good god but that there is an evil spirit, who is supremely powerful and intelligent, and does his utmost to deceive me” at first he believed it to be God but then realized that it is not a characteristic of God and the evil spirit he had created would deceive him. Descartes said the evil spirit was responsible for his misconceptions and suggested as though his memory was the evil spirit that was deceitful and created illusions to confuse him.
This is a very fascinating thought that would make would create a lot of confusion in a person, because they wouldn’t ever understand if something were real in their memory or mind or merely an illusion created by the evil spirit. It could cause a person to go insane such as it may have cause Descartes to because it causes a person to question the consistency of the human mind. It seems to make sense that there is something that confuses the mind at times and can cause it to possibly believe something that isn’t true, such as the evil spirit however I know there is a way out of this. If I were to answer Descartes question in a more Matrix fashion it seems to me that the only way of living life is to survive in the present physical universe and not believe that we are in a “Matrix” unless there is something that significantly happens to us that would make you believe that there is one. However it seems the only way of being rational would be to live in this existence of the world.
I know for certain that I am an immortal spiritual being; my capabilities are unlimited even if not presently realized. I know I am me, not my body, but that I use it to get along in this physical universe. I have a mind that contains a memory bank that helps me figure things out in life. I also have a consciousness or a spirit, basically a thing that is aware. I know that the goal in life is survival and that there are eight urges of survival. I also believe that only until I understand myself fully in the spiritual sense will I understand the “creator”. I also know that there are situations that can happen in life that can create a negative impact on the mind and can often times create a long term situation however I know through my religious beliefs there is a way out of the negative impact these can create on a human and the idea of Descartes evil spirit can inevitably be handled to a lesser or greater degree.
I know that I could be mistaken about my beliefs and that there could possibly be another answer that I have not found thus far but I am not afraid of it in any way because of the religion that I was brought up in I know that I have a greater awareness that other people and that I am not worshipping some god mindlessly but instead using basic tools, lessons to solve the problems in my life rather than praying or hoping. I know that someday once I have discovered who I am as a spiritual being I will be able to understand the creator and have a greater awareness of life and what my purpose is in a more universal sense but until that happens I know that my basic goal in life is survival, I don’t really need to think of the bigger game right now because honestly surviving in this planet alone is enough for me.